Project logistics | International freight

Project logistics

Transportation of project cargoes is the most difficult area in transport logistics, which requires maximum detailing in each project. Absence of standard schemes and solutions in this area makes each transportation unique.

Oversized and heavy cargoes are called project ones. As a rule, sea and rail transport is used in delivery of such cargoes to overcome most of the route, thereafter road delivery is carried out. Before beginning of transportation, it is required to study the route, the points of loading and unloading operations carefully, to foresee possible difficulties during transportation.

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After a detailed study, preference is given to some or other route. In implementation of each project ImExPartner carries out preliminary survey of the entire route. In some places, it may be required to lift the power lines or to strengthen the bridges. Each project undergoes approval by the regulatory authorities, of course, such cargo is always forwarded.


The final stage is to prepare a feasibility study, which shows the feasibility of the chosen route. It should be understood that the most difficult transportation can be performed only by real professionals who are used to solving non-standard tasks that require an individual approach.


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