Imexpartner operates in the Russian market for more than fifteen years. Our team incorporates specialists with great experience in logistics and customs clearance.

Throughout the entire period we successfully prove our professionalism, which allows us to constantly increase the number of satisfied Customers and show stable growth and development of the company.

Imexpartner operates in the Russian market for more than fifteen years. Our team incorporates specialists with great experience in logistics and customs clearance.
Full set of services in a "single window". Unified provider of transport services, customs clearance, warehousing
Imexpartner operates in the Russian market for more than fifteen years. Our team incorporates specialists with great experience in logistics and customs clearance.

Modern information technologies and transparency through tracking the door-to-door delivery of cargo and an efficient control system

Imexpartner operates in the Russian market for more than fifteen years. Our team incorporates specialists with great experience in logistics and customs clearance.

A dedicated employee for each client, our personified approach and the provision of a highquality service that meets the client's requirements

Imexpartner operates in the Russian market for more than fifteen years. Our team incorporates specialists with great experience in logistics and customs clearance.

Reliable support of international delivery anywhere in the world through the widest network of agents, that ensure a high level of service

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