Power engineering

More than 29 thousand thermal power plants, 160 hydroelectric power plants and 12 nuclear power plants across the country ensure stability in production of electric power in Russia. However, today, taking into account the constant changes in the demography of the country and the implementation of a lot of investment projects, it is required to increase these capacities.

vetrovye_elektrostanciiAt the same time, solution of this issue in the field of power engineering is rather expensive and, first of all, requires serious investments in logistics. This is related to a large number of oversized and heavy equipment, such as transformers, gas turbine and generator units, and structural elements of power plants.

Among the regular customers of ImExPartner there are a lot leading companies in the field of engineering and power engineering. Due to extensive experience in this field, we can offer a huge number of non-standard solutions. They will allow to implement any projects within the shortest possible time with significant savings.

Transportation of large-sized and oversized cargoes for power engineering and engineering spheres of activity in our company include:

  • active interaction with import suppliers;
  • selection of the optimal route for cargo transportation;
  • timely preparation of lifting mechanisms and transport throughout the entire route;
  • prompt customs clearance.


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