Mixed consignments | International freight

Mixed consignments

Delivery of mixed consignments is the most demanded area of activity of ImExPartner. We are pleased to offer this service at very beneficial tariffs. Wide agency network allows to carry out transportation to any point in the world. Customers can deliver the cargo to our company’s warehouse by themselves or order its pick up at a convenient time. The offered service is suitable for companies dealing small transportations. The cargo can be delivered “to the door”.


It is most advantageous to carry out international transportation of mixed consignments by road transport due to low cost and fast delivery time. If it is required to include additional transport (sea, rail transport), based on the specified route, – we will resolve this problem promptly.

We take into account not only the characteristics of the cargo and the route, but also the financial aspect, offering the most advantageous option for you.

Transportation of mixed consignments includes a whole range of services:

  • selection of the optimal route;
  • warehousing, collection, packaging and preparation of the cargo for shipment;
  • customs clearance of mixed consignments.


What is the cost of transportation of mixed consignments in Russia?

To specify the cost, you need to call the indicated telephone number. Our company’s specialists will provide you with an accurate calculation based on the characteristics of the cargo and the route.

Logistics of mixed consignments requires high qualification of all personnel, that is why only professionals of their craft work in our company. Due to the extensive experience that has formed for the years, we have a lot of resources, allowing to solve even the most complicated problems in the field of transportation. We guarantee timely delivery of cargo to anywhere in the world with strict compliance with the terms of transportation.


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