Air transportation | International freight

Air transportation

If you need to deliver cargo from abroad or within Russia promptly, air freight transportation by ImExPartner is exactly what will help to solve the problem. Convenience of transportation and shortest time compensate significantly for its higher price in comparison with delivery by other modes of transport.


Today oversized freight air transportation from China and USA, which is carried out at affordable prices and within reasonable time is most demanded among our customers. It should be noted that international air transportation allows to ship a small parcel, as well as especially valuable or hazardous cargo. Hereby all requirements and standards of transportation will be observed.

Qualified specialists of our company orient themselves perfectly in all IATA nuances, so there will be no problems with delivery. We can also combine air transportation with subsequent delivery by road or other means of transport at your discretion, if necessary.

Choosing air freight transportation across Russia or international delivery by ImExPartner, you get a lot of beneficial advantages:

  • door-to-door delivery;
  • possibility of delivery of “hazardous” and project cargoes;
  • support in customs clearance;
  • insurance and licensing, issue of documents, as well as intra-customs transit;
  • transportation of cargo by air flights of major Russian and foreign airlines;
  • our company’s specialists control air transportation 24 hours per day/7 days per week and are ready to provide timely information on the location of the cargo upon the client’s request.tovar-933605

To order air transportation you need to call us at the specified telephone numbers and provide information on the type of cargo, its dimensions, volume and weight. Our company’s specialists will process the request promptly and provide accurate calculation based on the most favorable tariffs. Transport and forwarding company ImExPartner has an extensive experience in organization of air transportation, both international and domestic ones. Due to long-term cooperation with major companies, such as Lufthansa Cargo A.G., British Airways Plc, Airfrance/KLM, Emirates and many others, we can provide the highest service level, and carry out delivery from any point in the world to the client’s “doors”.



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