Transportation of oversized cargoes | International freight

Transportation of oversized cargoes

Transportation of oversized and heavy cargoes is one of the areas of activity of ImExPartner”. The peculiarity of this service consists in accounting of the specific features of each particular cargo. Based on the received information, vehicles are selected, the route is developed.

Oversized cargoes include cargoes of non-standard dimensions, exceeding permissible ones, heavy cargoes, which are distinguished by large weight, as well as other technical characteristics. Organization of transportation of oversized cargoes requires availability of specially prepared transport and equipment. Besides, it is necessary to take into account all the difficulties that arise in transit of the vehicle (width of the road, height of bridges, weather conditions, etc.).

negabarit_po_vodeTransport for carriage of oversized cargoes can be different – railway, sea, road transport, but each of them has its own peculiarities. Due to extensive experience in the field of logistics, our company’s specialists will select the optimal route for each type of transport, take into account all the nuances of possible obstacles on the way, as well as calculate delivery at the most favorable tariff.

Transportation of oversized cargoes has its own rules and requirements, compliance with which must be obligatory. For this type of transportation, it is required to have a special permit for transportation of oversized cargoes for a particular vehicle. In international oversized freight transportation it is issued by the carrier who is the immediate owner of the vehicle. The period of its receipt can be up to two weeks.

ImExPartner has been focused on transportation of oversized cargoes for years, which allowed to form a large base of regular customers.

If you are interested in transportation of oversized and heavy cargo exactly in time, you need to call the specified telephone numbers and provide all the required information on its parameters, as well as the place and time of destination. Our specialists will process your request promptly and offer optimal conditions of cooperation.


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