Road transportation | International freight

Road transportation

ImExPartner is pleased to present road transportation services with the guarantee of quality, compliance with deadlines and at reasonable prices. The main advantages noted by our regular clients include:

  • a wide range of rolling stock: all-metal and covered trucks, special trucks for hazardous, oversized and heavy cargoes, insulated trucks and refrigerated trucks, low-tonnage trucks;
  • affordable prices for road transportation and flexible system of discounts;
  • discussion of all details and compliance with delivery deadlines;
  • developed logistic network allows to carry out road transportation all over the world, providing freight forwarding, security and tracking at a high level;
  • possibility to carry out international road transportation to any part of the world;
  • wide range of additional services, including handling operations, labeling, repackaging, supply as a complete set, as well as storage in a warehouse;
  • professional and prompt execution of required documents, permits, insurance, etc.;
  • tracking, forwarding and protection of cargo in transit;
  • delivery of oversized and hazardous goods in compliance with all requirements and regulations.29074 10996935

It should be noted that today there are many unfair companies, which leave a negative impression from cooperation. Due to irreproachable quality control, we guarantee fulfillment of our obligations and rule out contingent expenses completely. All our drivers have extensive experience in the field of logistics.

What is the price of road transportation in our company?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe cost of road transportation in ImExPartner includes a whole range of services, which will allow to save, to reimburse for expenses and to justify choice in favor of our company.

If you need tractor truck transportation within the shortest possible time, you need to call the specified telephone numbers. Our specialists will process the request promptly and offer favorable rates individually for you.

After development of the optimal route, your cargo will be delivered promptly and safely to the place of destination, regardless of its remoteness. If you need fast and reliable delivery of cargo, please, feel free to contact us. We work with fragile, large and oversized, as well as especially valuable and hazardous cargoes and carry out delivery of any complexity.

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