Customs clearance | International freight

Customs clearance

Customs clearance of cargoes is an obligatory condition during any international transportation. This procedure is rather complicated and requires serious preparation. Errors lead to serious consequences in the form of delays in delivery and financial losses.

ImExPartner offers to use our services, entrusting the work to real professionals. Customs clearance of freight transportation is carried out throughout Russia, at the largest airports, at all border crossings.

Stages of customs clearance include:

  • preparation and verification of the documentation attached to the cargo;
  • issue of the customs declaration within the shortest possible time;
  • registration of the company at the customs post;
  • assistance in receipt of all types of permits;
  • calculation of customs fees;
  • issuance of the electronic digital signature;
  • registration of internal customs transit;
  • all kinds of consulting.

We know all the peculiarities of customs clearance and customs control of the cargo, so we guarantee top-quality services.

Services on customs clearance of the goods are carried out:

1. In seaports. Time can be saved significantly due to proper preparation and approval of all required documents. A specialist of ImExPartner in customs clearance will collect all the required documents and perform the set tasks promptly.

2. At railway stations. Often, cargoes shipped from China and Europe need such a service.

3. At airports. In order to rule out storage of the cargo at the airport, which has a rather high price, it is required promptly to submit the declaration and documents for release of the cargo. Our company has all required resources for this.


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