
Oil and gas production

Oil and gas production has an active influence on the economy of any country. In the Russian Federation, special attention is paid to this segment of the market. It accounts for the lion’s share of income coming to the budget of the state, at the expense of which the trouble-free operation of industrial enterprises is ensured.

Due to attraction of foreign investors, the oil and gas production equipment and technology is revamped throughout Russia. This contributes to improvement of the quality of geological exploration, drilling and oil production. The number of investment projects that have already been implemented in our country and CIS countries has increased recently.


Organization of oil and gas production requires timely delivery of necessary equipment and materials. Often, oil and gas production areas are located at a big distance from the supplier. For this reason, sometimes very difficult tasks related to freight transport have to be solved quickly.

The process of oil and gas production requires a large number of important resources, that is why ImExPartner offers prompt delivery of drilling rigs, self-propelled units, residential modules, pipes and pumps, chemical reagents, as well as various specialized equipment.

The peculiarity of oil and gas companies is that they are sometimes located in hard-to-reach regions with severe climatic conditions. Therefore, the route must be planned with a special care. It is required to take into accounts a lot of details and specific features:

  • availability of winter roads and false fills on impassible roads;
  • use of vessels with increased Arctic ice class in transportation of cargo to the Far North districts;
  • peculiarities of navigation of inland water transport in the process of transportation along the Northern Sea Route;
  • construction of berths and equipment of unloading sites.

Among the regular customers of ImExPartner there are many Russian and foreign oil, gas, service and engineering companies that carry out transportation in various directions.


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